What amp do you use with your QUAD'S?

I have had a pair of original QUAD ESL's in my system for about 15 years. The amp is a Berning 230 which I love and will always keep. I'm curious about what other owners of this speaker use to drive them as I would like to get a but more volume out of them from time to time. My musical taste runs from rock to classical with a smattering of jazz. I listen to classical mostly. I have searched the archives but really haven't found much. Hope to hear.

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I used to own ESL63USAs and tried them with Cary Rocket 88, and then later with a Berning ZH270. The Berning was the best I've heard with the Quads. Much better than the Cary in most areas of performance. More power than you need. Exceptional clarity across the mid-band.
If you move to a different speaker later, as I did, the Berning gives you lots of options down the road. It is quite exceptional IMHO.