What amp are you using with your Zu Essences?

Just a scored a pair of these and I was just wondering what people were pairing up with them. I've heard they work best with tubes. Has anyone tried solid state or Class D and then moved to tubes? How many or how few watts have worked for you? Thanks in advance for any stories.

Showing 10 responses by morganc

I had the Essence and they were paired with a Melody I2A3. I bought it based on Zu's recommendations and found it to be a nice pairing, and there was never a question of not enough power.
The Quad's sound amazing on a pair of Superfly's that I recently got a chance to audition. I really loved the combination. I have a pair of Omen Defs and I used to have the Essence.....I did not get a chance to hear any of those with the Essence, and the Essence is so different than all other Zu products. BTW I have a Carissa coming this week, so I can let you know about the combination.

Phil do you have a favorite 845 Tube for the Carissa? It is coming with the KR 845 (that's what I remember anyway).

I would also recommend that if you have not heard the other speakers in the line-up, do yourself a favor and go check them out. If you are near SF I would be happy to have you over.
Thanks a Million Fred and Phil! I certainly look forward to getting the 845's in place, though honestly I am absolutely loving the Modwright Pre with a Pass Labs XA 30.5. Awesome dynamics, bass, transparent....loving it:-)

I do appreciate the feedback immensely on the 845's and I will await Fred's feedback on the Pavanes. I think the three of us have a similar tastes, and I absolutely agree that what one man loves, the one next to him may hate!

The Peachtree is a fine choice and you will likely be happy with it. The truth is, the Omen Defs and the Superflys are so transparent that every amplifier change will produce dramatic changes, all of which are of course just a matter of taste and personal preference I have heard the Omen Defs with many amps and a very good solid state integrated is the Virtue amps with the tube buffer (also recommended by Zu). There are many good options, and what I have found is it is just best to try several amps to get a different taste so to speak so that you can determine what you like best.
I will start with the disclaimer that I am no audiophile or expert, and I have to say that I enjoyed the Essence until I upgraded to the Omen Defs. However, the Omen Defs are not that far away from the Def mk ii (especially with a few mods)and maybe even better in all categories except the bass (direct quote from Sean Casey). Both the Omen Defs and the Superfly excel with dynamics, sound staging, and are both very musical. The Superfly produces a bit more of an intimate feeling for me, though they both sound like you are at a live show....with great presence and tonality. I never got that from the Essence. The Essence excelled with vocals and jazz, but when things "got busy" so to speak, especially on the high end, my ears fatigued at even low volumes. This only happens with the Defs for me at higher volumes for longer periods of time, and with better amplification, it keeps getting louder and longer before I fatigue!

I am loving the Pass XA 30.5 at the moment, though I do have a Carissa 845 on the way. If the Pass is displaced, let me know and I will give you a great price on it.
"1markr Morganc... very interested in your thoughts about how the 845-based Carissa plays with your Omen Defs! Please keep us posted!"

I will for sure! It arrives Wednesday and I am off Thursday afternoon.....so I will gladly give you an update:-).......

For anyone else, especially you Phil, have you tried the Art Audio PX-25 with Zu? If so I would love to hear your thoughts, especially if you can compare it to the Carissa or a similar 845.

Nice Telescope.....I talked to Sean and Adam at Zu and they both prefer Solid State with the Defs. Their favorites are the Pass Labs from the F3 to the M2 to the XA 30.5. What types of music do you listen to? What soumds the best on your system?
I'm using an Art Audio Carissa and a PX-25 and loving them both. I have decided that for me the PX-25 is a better fit as I listen at what I believe are too low volumes for the Carissa with such high sensitivity speakers ( I have 101dB Sensitive Omen Defs). The Carissa is better with jazz and vocalists, but I prefer the PX-25 for electronica, rock, etc as it is a bit more dynamic, but a little less life like compared to the Carissa. Either one though is a great pairing with Zu's.
1markr. Thanks for the feedback. How do the two compare? The PX-25 with the JOTA? My Defs are more sensitive, and the 6 watts is surprisingly enough. I bet the Carissa would pair well with the Essence also as it is a big 18 Watts! I just feel like with my Defs it is like driving a Ferrari around town in first gear!