What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?

I bought a pair of Gallo 3.1's in September. I am currently using a Response Audio Platinum modified Jolida 502b with KT88/98 tubes, 60 watts per channel. Input tubes are vintage Tungsol and Valvo. I am, for the most part (audionervosa) satisfied with the sound. Timing, rythm, and pace is good, the sound is happy, toe tapping fun. Very musical. I had a Mcintosh 6900 for a cpl of months 200 watts with autoformers. I was dissapointed that there seemed to be no synergy with these two components. The sound was rolled off, flat, and lifeless in my system, in my house. YMMV

I am just curious what other Gallo owners have tried, what worked well, what didn't, and what you are using now.

Showing 6 responses by dopogue

SET monoblocks designed and built by a friend, 12 wpc, single 845 output tubes with EL-34 (KT77) driver tubes and 6N7 (ECC31) input tubes, huge Magnequset transformers. Easily fill 18x40' room. I Use Gallo subwoofer amp on 2nd woofer voice coils. Extraordinary sound. These are the original Reference 3 (not 3.1) bought in 2004.
This is off-topic, but I just bought the Mapleshade upgraded stands for my Ref 3s and they are awesome. Four-inch thick maple platforms with brass "Megafeet" underneath and a more pronounced tilt than you get with the stock stands. A friend who also has these speakers brought one over and we compared it in stock form to mine, using mono LPs as the source. The difference/improvement was so pronounced that when we had them level-matched, it was as if all the sound was coming from one speaker (mine). Much more open, dynamic, and full-bodied with superior bass.

They cost a bunch (mine were $775) and won't win any beauty prizes, but if you want to know how good these speakers really are, the Mapleshade stands will tell you, IMO. Dave
No option. I'm assuming something close to 8 ohms but don't really know. I'll have to ask the amp designer sometime.
Leatherneck, you need to know that Mapleshade uses only 4 of the 6 bolts holding the speaker to its base (the front 2 and the back 2). Also they use threaded brass studs and contoured brash washers between the speaker and the base that hold the speakers approximately 1/16" above the bases. This may sound unimportant but after hearing them, I would recommend ignoring it.
Visualize one of those brass washers with a "shoulder" on it, often found under the heads of brass wood screws. Sorry, that's the best I can do. :-)

Each of them is mounted "with the concave side upwards toward the speaker enclosure (i.e., so it "catches rain")." I'm quoting from the assembly instructions.
The 6" brass studs -- four of them -- are screwed into the bolt holes at the bottoms of the speakers (after you remove and discard the existing Gallo bases) and go down through the brass washers and all the way through the 4" maple platform. They're held underneath the maple by flat brass washers and nuts.