What amp $1000 for Rockport Tech Mira Mon?

I have bought (shipping is pending) a pair of Rockport Technologies Mira Monitor speakers (here on Audiogon).

I am looking at choices in an amplifier. Sensitivity on these is 85 dB. But I will not be driving them loud anyway, so don't be afraid to recommend a 30 watt tube.

I know everyone will say that I just need to listen. Right. I know that. But my local audio shop (about the only in town) doesn't carry any amps with less than 5 channels. Whatever I get will be ordered and auditioned, and then sold if not liked.

I kinda broke the bank on these speakers, so I'd like to stay under $1500, preferably under $1000 for this amp. I have at home in other systems a tiny NAD power amp (I think it's 20wpc), and a Sunfire Cinema Grand. I will take a listen with those when I get the speakers, just because I won't be able to wait.

I have a passable Nikko Pre-Amp right now. My eventual plan for this system is a nice pre-amp with digital inputs and a good DAC.

Showing 1 response by jb_montreal

I'd try a Bryston B-60 -- I see there's one on this site for under $800 (not mine -- mine is sitting happily with the rest of my system) -- nice sound, durable, fits your price range, and you can easily move it if, for some reason, you find that it's not what you're looking for...

good luck and keep us posted...