What am I missing???

So, every once in a while, I look at all the new systems that people are posting here....WOW! Amazing. And just when I start to feel satisfied with mine, I see these and think, what a pile of junk I have. I've never been to any of the high end shows or even a lot of dealers so, can only imagine how good these sound and wonder if what I'm not hearing is better than what I am.

Anyone else ever have that feeling?

Showing 2 responses by schipo

I should have checked your system before writing you ....clam up kiddo you have great stereo darn it sit back and enjoy jeessshhhhhhhh.
Every time I am on this site. But the best is, if you enjoy the sound and music and it moves you completely than you are there. Older gear is just as competent as the new and many times better built.