What am I missing???

So, every once in a while, I look at all the new systems that people are posting here....WOW! Amazing. And just when I start to feel satisfied with mine, I see these and think, what a pile of junk I have. I've never been to any of the high end shows or even a lot of dealers so, can only imagine how good these sound and wonder if what I'm not hearing is better than what I am.

Anyone else ever have that feeling?

Showing 1 response by mariasplunge

You should give your junk to me so I can feel bad about myself too...no really it is so easy to be critical of this stuff. But I also remember that part of the fun is trying stuff. Although expensive, this is a hobby. Hobby in my mind means continuing to expand your knowledge of the subject you enjoy.

So if you feel your missing something, then try some other stuff. Of course, this hobby costs a bit more than collecting wine corks...which reminds me I best get back to that bottle.