What album have you bought in the most different formats.

As I reflected on my musical journey, it occurred to me that I have owned one recording in the following formats over time:

Album original release
Cassette - prerecorded
Cassette - recorded from my vinyl
Reel to reel (recorded on my own R2R from vinyl)
Reel to Reel 4 channel - prerecorded purchase

And NO, I never did 8 track

Also I now own the recording of the entire tour from which the original vinyl was created

The album - Live at the Fillmore East, by the Allman Brother Band

Does anyone have a similar attachment to a singular musical release?

Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

I have several albums in pre-recorded 4 track reel to reel (7-1/2 ips); LP; SACD; CD

1. Original Moody Blues, Go Now,


piano based blues, Mike Pinder's voice, before Justin Hayward. The dynamically played piano on some tracks is muddy on both LP and CD, but sounds terrific on R2R

2. Iron Butterfly, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida


on the R2R you can hear 'In the Garden of Eden' here and there

3. Beatles, Sgt Pepper's


R2R, You hear subtleties in John's voice, Paul's superbly expressive bass playing, things your ears never caught before. My nephew, a musician cried.

4, others of course, I had over 500 R2R, sold 150, been deep into LP last year

now that you mention it, I'm gonna spend some Christmas money on a few R2R if I can find them.