What AC Power Cord sounds best?

I'm looking to upgrade my power cords. I currently have 4 Synergistic Research AC Master Couplers in my system. They sound great but I understand there are some others out there with a quiter background, better bass, increase resolution, etc. Please let me know of your experiences with the 'really good stuff'. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by albertporter

The answer is that this requires testing. My answer will be absolutely correct for some readers and wrong for some others. Not every component will react the same way with a given power cord. I think if you had only one shot at it, the best choice would be Purist Audio Dominus. It is very expensive, especially in the RS version. A less expensive choice that is excellent is the Siltec. If you want cheap and good, the old discontinued Tiffany TPC-60 is amazing, usually sells for about $50.00. It certainly will beat any stock cord by a mile, and provide a welcome and inexpensive improvement to less critical components in your system.