What about the Teres Turntable?

Okay, you guys, I know I said that I was going to stick with SACD and never go back to analog. That was last month. This month I can't live without it anymore. I am going to buy an analog setup. My M.O. is to buy the best sounding gear at the lowest price possible by searching out the lesser known "gems" that many others pass over. This Teres turntable seems like it has all the right stuff, and comes as a simple kit. The reviews say it's in the league with the TNT, Clearaudio, Verdier and other $6k-$10k tables. The good news is it is only $1350-$2500 for the kits(less arm). A lesser table, the Scheu designed Eurolab, won TAS golden ear award last year. All the guys at the Vinyl Asylum say the Teres is much better than the Eurolab. What do any of you guys know about the Teres, or the others like Redpoint or Eurolab? Are there any other world class tables out there that are in that kind of price category that I am missing? Help would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by alfagil

I'm about ready to order a Teres myself, in the basic configuration, but I'm still not completely decided. Maybe I'll go for the upgraded platter and the battery option.

At any rate what has impressed me most about it (and the Redpoint too) are the people behind the project. These are a bunch of guys who started out with a passion for this wonderful HOBBY of ours and got together with a bunch of other guys to produce a DIY rig and marketted it through the audio grapevine at a price that even I (big cheapskate) find palatable.

In my opinion the Teres and Redpoint are a breath of fresh air to the high-end scene, and that I have not seen any reviews or mention of it in the "audiophile press" (Stereophile, TAS etc) is the a good sign indeed.