What about a product can irritate you?

What about a product can irritate you, other than the sound?

I thought of this today while attemting to install a new pair of cables. The cables came out of the package in the shape of a Slinky and no amount of bending them, shaping them, stretching them or otherwise trying to reshape them would do any good... they are permanently shaped like a big telephone cord.

I find cables that aren't installation-friendly to be incredibly irritating.

Do you have a pet peeve?


Showing 1 response by markphd

Well, my current pet peeeve is speaker binding posts that are too close together. My speakers take banana plugs. The bananas on my speaker cable are WBT angled bananas. The angled banana is wonderful for stress relief and for cables that are a bit stiff. However, if the speaker posts are too close together, the angled bananas bump into each other and are difficult to insert. It's exacerbated by the fact that the speaker is bi-wired, so there are four of them crowding into the back of the speaker in the same small area.

I expect that people who use spades have all sorts of peeves about binding posts too.