What a sad world we now live in.......

What a sad world.....

Had to go to our local Wal-Mart for something for the wife and thought would check out CD,s while here.

Could not find them so asked where to be told they had decided to stop selling them in-store.

In fact the whole electronics section looked bare and desolate.

Pretty sure a sign of the buy online times we now live in.

Showing 1 response by dramatictenor

I just got rid of my TIDAL. Had to get over my FOMA—oh no, I might not have access to everything! So less about the $20/month, more about getting more intimate with the hundreds of lps I own. I came to terms with the fact that having access to infinite music didn’t bring me more musical pleasure. And my NAIM streamer gives me all the free HD stations in the world, so I can still get exposed to new music.