Wharfedale Emerald 97 - compare to?

I've read a lot of speaker reviews lately and found the Wharfedale Emerald 97 gets a fairly good review. Looking on Ebay I have seen many of these sell for under $300/pair new with claims of retail being $1000/pair for black ash to $1800/pair for walnut. They come with floor spikes too. I do not know of any plce in the area I live that carries any so I cannot go to listen for myself. Does anyone out there have a pair or heard them, and what is your opinion? What do they compare to? Good bass with 30-20000 response? Are they exagerating the retail price? Are they worth $300?
Also, as long as I am on here, I live west of the Minneapolis-St.Paul area about 75 miles so I don't get there often, can anyone tell me some places to go there to listen to different high end speakers?

Showing 3 responses by scottht

First of all. Almost all of the ads for the Wharfedale speakers here and other places, these speakers are "B" stock. I would not reccomend these speakers to anyone.
You can do much better looking at any used speaker here at AG. If you wanted, I could point out many.
If you want my opinion. Don't buy them at any price.
There are at least 6 pairs of speakers under full range for sale that I saw quickly, just for the heck of it. All of them better in every way than the Wharfedale.
There are B&W's and Deftech's available.
But, To each his own. Don't come cryin here when you get them.