Were My Speakers Damaged ?

My "friend" was kind enough to start my system with the volume way up. At least 20 db too much. I don't see any physical damage to my AR2ax's, but they seem to sound a bit thin. Lacking in the midrange. The pots work fine. Am I just imagining a problem? Other than looking at the speaker capacitors for leakage, etc., what else can I check? TIA

Showing 4 responses by hifitime

Your drivers could be damaged.Over driving them could do it.You could try to hear the midrange by sticking your ear to it.But even if it is putting out sound,the drivers could have froze in the extreme out or in position.According to the picture,they're in the upper right.If that driver has no output at all,then its most likely blown.They pop up for sale on Ebay every now and then.Another possibility is the pots making a bad connection.Turning the pot knob while listening may make noise and cut in and out sound wise.Here is a link on them.There is most likely lots of info on the net.They were popular.LINK>>[http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~postr/bapix/AR_2ax.htm]
I guess another thing is what they sounded like before.If they were in storage for a while,it may be hard to remember exactly how they sounded.I don't want to say they are froze in place without knowing for sure.Any friends familiar with them may be able to tell.I wish I could give you better advice.
Also,a lot of drivers that get a damaged midrange or woofer but still put out sound will have a megaphone type of sound from that driver. Compare the sound from your midrange to another similar speaker(if possible) to get somewhat of an idea.I'm guessing they are working since you say the pots are okay.Link>>[http://www.aphenos.net/misc/electronics/speakers/ar2ax/ar2ax.htm]