Well Tempered Ref. Arm

I've noticed that when I look at the arm,in the area where the strings attach to the paddle,I notice that the flat upper portion of the paddle - where the arm attaches thru it - does not sit perfectly parallel;it's tilted maybe 8-10 degrees from perfectly level.Is this a problem? Should this be perfectly level?
I agree with HiFiharv. The platter is concave so the record slopes toward the spindle when clamped. The cartridge therfore should be slightly tilted to maintain the proper azimuth with the record groove. It would be normal then for the paddle to be slightly tilted in the fluid cup and NOT perfectly horizontal.
I have the arm on a VPI Super Scoutmaster with a Superplatter that appears to be perfectly flat. So, I don't believe this is the reason for the apparently skewed paddletop (I still stand by my explanation of 4/17/09). Furthur thoughts anyone?
I recently acquired a Well Tempered Labs Record Player. Circe early 90's. It's not the reference arm, it's the more plain, silver finished one fitted to the Stanalg WTLRP.

And i can report that my paddle is also cocked to the left (It's left side is higher when viewed from the user position)

This is the case even though the azimuth is correct. Which is to day it seems the arm tube is rotated as it passes through the paddle assembly. i have not tried to straighten it out.

I'll be interested to see if anyone comes along with advice.