Well Tempered Labs Record Player, thoughts on a used one?

Very intrigued by a Well Tempered Labs Record Player that is up for sale right here.....

Looks like a lot of detail changes to what I would consider the "norm" for a turntable certainly in the tone arm area.
Anybody had experience with these?
Are they as fiddly to set up as they look like they maybe and if so are they worth it in the final results?
Thoughts at all?

Showing 2 responses by oregonpapa

Uberwaltz ...

I highly recommend a custom belt from Origin Live for the WTT.

Don’t worry about the arm. Once set up correctly, the WT is one of the best TTs out there, even those costing many times the money. There are a ton of mods that really improve things too.

On my Well-Tempered ... It is the original classic with the square motor. I’ve had it since it was new -- early 1990s.

Here’s a list of my mods:

1. Custom heavy brass clamp to dampen the silicone well.
2. Arm rewired with Cardas copper wire.
3. Cardas junction box for the female RCA jacks.
4. Custom machined brass counterweight on the arm.
5. One layer of shrink-wrap on the arm.
6. VPI record clamp.
7. Origin Live custom belt.
8. Perfect Path Technologies Alpha E-Cards along each side of the motor (four on each side).

The table sounded great when it was stock. Over the years, with all of the mods in place, it sounds pretty amazing.

Here are some owner reviews:


Here’s a video that shows the heavy brass clamp around the tonearm well:


Here’s Robert Harley’s review on WT mods. Scroll down for the clamp mod:


^^^ On the "adjustments:"  Once the WT is set up, you can just leave it alone. I haven't adjusted anything over the last five years except for replacing a cartridge and adjusting VTA  and downforce for each of the cartridges, and I play a lot of records. 
