Well Tempered Amadeus VS WT reference

Anyone side by side comparies Well Tempered Amadeus and Well Tempered Reference ?What is the different?thanks.

Showing 1 response by fjn04

I recently heard the Amadeus, and was very impressed. The cartridge was the EMT TSD-15. It really seems to be a bargain at it's price point. I am saving my pennies to get one, and have it as a second TT. That's not to say it won't be as good or better than my current TT/arm combo, which retails for more than double. My only caveat is you do have to drop the tonearm manually. There seems to be a resistance that makes it easy. I did not find it to be awkward, and it was the very first time I had ever done it. Another great thing is if you golf, you always have an extra golf ball.