Welcome to the tweakend!

Just got my Amazon order.  Picked up some nice some cans of Raquetteballs, a dozen Sushi dipping dishes, and a couple of excellent quality maple cutting boards.  Let the games begin!

Showing 1 response by nmmusicman

The trick is getting 6", 8" and 12" inner tubes and choosing the one that best fits the size and weight distribution of the component. Fill with 3-5 PSI and balance the component on the tube. I even went so far as to fill a 6" inner tube with 90 weight oil and that was trans-formative. However, I was concerned that over time the oil would degrade/soften the rubber and I would have a huge mess on my hands at some point. 

Now that I think about it, I wonder if water in the inner tube would be a suitable replacement??