Weird problem noticed last several playings...

The system: CJ PV-10AR preamp, Emotiva XPA-2 Gen3 amplifier, Yamaha BD-1060 Disc Player, Bluesound Node 2i streamer, Maggie 17i speakers,  2 Emotiva BasX10 subs. 

Fairly suddenly , over last several listenings - especially with the female background vocals on "California Dreaming" there a lack of detail, a muffled sound, and it sounds like much of the detail, punch and soundstage has disappeared on all sources. 

I am hoping (even though they are only a couple years old) it's one of the CJ tubes but does anyone have any diagnostic ideas (aside from "your system sucks, replace this or that. This is particularly galling as I have been a budget audiophile for 40yrs and the system, when right, sounds amazing and just what I want.) 

Showing 1 response by roberjerman

I'm guessing that the CJ PV10 uses 6DJ8/6922 triodes. And a SS rectifier. A good recommendation is USA - made Amperex, GE and Sylvania. Philips from Europe are also good! Avoid any present day ones (JJ, Sovtek and other Russian, Ch*nese).