Weight Loss and MP-3

I think there were a couple of threads on this somewhere but not many answers.. Does ANYONE have any experience with portable MP-3 players? Do any sound better than others? I, too, have resolved to exercise more and wonder what the best player would be for running. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by cwlondon

The Nomad sounding like crap is a very interesting point. I have a somewhat pricey, $600 ish ? portable head phone amp purchased from Head Room. In my dealings with Headroom, they have been very helpful, suitably obsessive, and seemingly unbiased as they are quick to recommend even things they don't sell. They think the Nomad personal jukebox sounds "as good as a portable CD player". Of course, that doesn't mean much. It seems like little MP=3 players SHOULD sound like crap, but I sure wish someone could tell me otherwise. Good music would relieve the huffing and puffing considerably.