We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often

Sorry I know this is a bit of a rant, but come on people!!

Too many audiophiles find speakers which are hard to drive and... stick with them!

We need to reject hard-to-drive speakers as being Hi-Fi. Too many of us want our speakers to be as demanding as we are with a glass of wine. "Oh, this speaker sounds great with any amplifier, but this one needs amps that weigh more than my car, so these speakers MUST sound better..."

Speakers which may be discerning of amplifier current delivery are not necessarily any good at all at playing actual music. 

That is all.


Showing 1 response by desalvo55

Since my wife doesn't like my speakers but we both love of tube gear, we're keeping our tube gear and now looking for efficient 'enough' speakers. I mean, my amp has 150wpc in pentode mode so what might be the problem? Woofers. But there are efficient speakers with built-in class D amplifiers that release the burden of your fine tube gear playing full range. Let the tube gear focus on the mids and tweets where the majority of the music lives.

Maybe I'll find out one day.