We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors

I just have to point out that I am one of the first recipients of the new Model SPTECH Mini speakers. To call these 40 pound each beautiful finished loudspeakers Minis is an OxyMoron. They actually cross over at 800hz so most pf the midrange is handled by one driver! But I have to tell you that after only 5 hours of use, these speakers can beat just about anything on the market today. In some ways, there really isn't anything that at much much higher prices can sound as good as the trade offs begin piling up. I exposed them to some ungodly power barrage usinga 1000wpc amplifier and they did not even blink. The sound coming out are what I call the epitome of a speaker design in that they sound both life like and musical at the same time. This is no small feat. Instruments are so well defined that the umpteen speakers I have owned can't hold a candle to them. Bob the designer and engineer is a terrific guy and very knowledgeable. These speakers destroy anything in their range and most audiophiles would be well served to try and listen to these or anything in the line above the Minis I assume. I just had to pass this on, because I am one of the lucky owners. I want to point out that I have zero affiliation with SP, but am in love wit this product. I believe you can buy them on Audiogon? They are worth several times the current asking price. Don't take my word, try and hear for yourself! There is several review on the net and what I had noticed is that none of them had anything negative to say about this line.
Very, very good point, Jaybo. I have been guilty of writing mini-reviews after one day, too. There is no doubt that distance lends veracity to the view.
.if you have these years from now, that (in of itself)will be the real testimonial.
I've owned my Timepieces for almost 4 years. I own other speakers, too, but the SP Techs get the vast majority of play time.

As I said in my initial post, I understand credibility is earned over time. Conversely, the fact that I and/or some of the others don't have hundreds of posts here doesn't mean we're neophytes, or that we're blind to the myriad of issues associated with this hobby and this medium.

My opinion of SP Technology speakers is based upon years of ownership. Whether the same holds true for Bbchem, Groovybassist and others remains to be seen.
I've only had my Mini's for a couple of weeks now, but I've owned at least 15 pairs of speakers over the last 20 years from the likes of Thiel, Vandersteen, JM Labs, B&W, Devore, PBN Montana, Naim, Paradigm, Joseph Audio, and on and on. I don't consider myself a neophyte at all and have very sensitive hearing. Add to this the fact that I set-up my systems using test discs and an SPL meter to ensure the spectrum is as balanced as possible in the room in which my system is located and I'm a former musician. While I don't disagree that opinions of a product change over time, I wholeheartedly disagree that initial reviews of a product are somehow less valid than longer term ones. I'm quite confident the Mini's are providing something to me that none of these other (and many much more expensive) designs have offered after careful setup. I guess that's all that really matters to me. Whether others choose to pursue SP Tech speakers is up to them.
I have them now for 4 days and have put on about 20 hours. I agree as well, but like Groovybassist, I have had a total of 33 pair of speakers which is to many. I bought almost all of them from reviews and forums since I never lived near a higher End store. As you can tell if I currently have two of them, I apparently sold the rest. So many times the ones I bought sounded OK, but bugged me in some way and made me lose interest quickly thus the sale. The Mark and Daniels Rubys I have now for several months and have no intention on selling. The Minis are still a step up in Detail and definition over the amazing Rubys, and like I mentioned, my wife loves them and told me not to sell them like the others. That was her first time asking me that. She usually says they all sound good and she can't tell the difference. I will continue my posting on these over the next several months.
I have had a total of 33 pair of speakers
I've owned at least 15 pairs of speakers over the last 20 years

I assume people who make statements like this are trying to establish a certain degree of credibility. That said, would you go with your spouse to a marriage counselor who states that he's had 9 different wives and therefore knows about relationships? All I'm saying is that the message can be interpreted more than one way.