Way ahead with transport / DVD

I have a Pioneer Elite DV-09 that I'm using as a tranport with my Audiologic 2400 DAC. I want to take this to the next level by upgrading the transport. First question: are there a significant improvements to be achieved in the first place. The way I see it I have three options:
(1) Modify the Pioneer (Modwright, others)?
(2) Sell the pioneer and upgrade to a higher end DVD/CD Transport (Muse 8, Theta David)?
(3) Buy a separate CD Transport (recommendations in the $ 1000 pricerange used).
Who has gone down any of these paths? What would get me the best results?

Showing 1 response by joe_b

I have not tried a DVD player as a transport but have talked to and read threads from those who have and, unless you need it for movies, a dedicated CD tranport will probably sound better. I have tried several transports for less than $1k and my favorite is the Parasound CBT 2000. I also have found that a jitter reduction device, like the Audio Alchemy DTI Pro, will enhance the sound of almost any transport.