Waveform mach solo's, Are they good?

Does anybody have any experience with these? I would appreciate any input.

Showing 1 response by schacter

You may not have heard the bad news. John Otvos (who is Waveform) has decided to retire from the speaker-making business. According to his web site (www.waveform.ca), he is trying to sell the business to someone who will carry on with his philosophy. I hope someone does. He quickly sold all of his remaining speakers at 1/2 price. I have bought a pair of Solos, which I should receive within a week or so and I will let you know what I think. At this point, you can't buy Waveforms anymore and I have never seen a used pair for sale (John says no one ever took him up on his money-back guarantee). I sincerely hope someone ends up buying the business so this great speaker can be back on the market. Ken