Watt Puppy that much of an improvement?

Long time lurker/learner here with a question perhaps some of you guys can weigh in on. My set up is Pass X250, Pass X1 pre, ML No 37, ML 360S DAC along with B&W 802S3 on SA's. Good interconnects with Purist Venustus spkr cables. Anyway, I've been reading with interest about the watt puppies and started thinking....if I purchase used, I could probably swing a set wp6, wp7. All things being equal, will the resolution, soundstage and depth be that much better than with my B&W's? That darned upgrade bug is still fly'n around and if the more experienced here says there is......I'm going to start looking more seriously and try to find a set to audition. Thanks.....Mark

Showing 1 response by dylanhenry

Wow, you've got some classic speakers with the 802 S3! To me, that conveys someone with the taste and appreciation for the subtleties of the finer things in life, much more than some car-painted speaker. I own B&Ws, but still I like Wilsons a lot, sound-wise. You can't go wrong with the WATT Puppys. You should do an audition first and come back here and let us know what you think. Ideally, with this level of equipment, you should hear them in your own home and electronics or else you might be in for a nasty surprise! When you get to this level, it's all about personal taste. Just curious, are you finding deficiencies in your 802 S3s or perhaps you are bored with them? Unless you've heard the WPs before and love them, you really shouldn't limit yourself, especially with that kind of budget. Listen to everything within your budget that you can. To me, that's one of the best things about speakers, shopping for them! Actually having a good excuse/reason to listen to as many amazing speakers as you can, hearing the differences, learning, enjoying. What anyone has to say about their "personal" experience with anything means squat. You are listening to "your" ears and not theirs. Plus, you'll find a lot of posters just trying to justify their own purchase by trying to convince you what you will "hear" and "experience". All that's a bunch of baloney, it's all up to you to find out what you like. Good luck and have fun on your "quest"!