Watermelon test for audiophiles!


In this hot and perfect watermelon season (where lots of them are really tasty and sweet), I was wondering if audiophiles can actually pick up a PERFECT watermelon just by tapping it and listening to the tap.  If one can hear differences between different cables, it's a lot easier task to listen to watermelon tap. Or on the other hand, if you can't tell which watermelon is perfect by tapping, how come you can hear differences in wires or cables?


Showing 1 response by fhsun

I have a more superior method than tap - buy the new breed of black-green skin water melons and especially "Yumi" brand of organic water melons.

They are super sweet like eating clumps of sugar but they are not cheap.  A 10-13 pound melon goes for $9 at Sprouts.

So far I have 100% success rate for the 4 that I have purchased on different occasions.  I have also tried other brands of black water melon but they weren't as sweet as the Yumi.  Like in hifi, the right brand matters 🤣