Was my friend given misinformation.

My friend is just getting into audio for a music system. In his price rang I thought the Rogue Sphinx V3 would be a nice choice. He could also look at the Revel Concerta 2 line of speakers. Well he decided to stop by Magnolia at Best Buy.  Not a bad setup he got a Denon 3700 AVR and a pair of B&W 603's. He said the salesman told him to stay away from integrated amps as they are not anything but stripped down AVR's without the features. So I guess all us owners of 2 channel preamps and integrated have been duped. Who knew??


Showing 2 responses by crustycoot

The B&W 603S2AE is a plain looking box but is a very good speaker for the dough,  even head to head with Revel or Focal equivalents. Denon makes some of the best value AVRs, too, but for the same cost a more targeted integrated might have been a “better buy”.  Really depends on whether the friend is looking for TV integration or mostly music listening. Sphinx has no DAC and many TVs have no analog outputs. 

Way2 has a similar background to mine...initially and still an enthusiast/ hobbyist, but spent almost 5 decades in the industry making my living.  Big chains hire people and "train them up" but they rarely achieve the level of knowledge of a true enthusiast.  In the company I worked for most of my co-workers in the mid-70s into the 80's were all enthusiasts with a lot of passion for HiFi...later, not so much.