Warmest sounding Green Mountain speaker?

Considering buying a pair of GMA speakers and wonder what is considered the warmest sounding of any in their line up past or present as the only thing I have reservations about is the tone might be a little on the lean side from what I have read compared to lets say Vandersteen which I have now.

Showing 7 responses by royj

Thanks, Nicholas!

In my experience, his posts will continue to become evermore frantic and illogical. I don't think he can help it, unfortunately.


I was going to leave you alone, but you have now gone too far. You lie, just as before.

Your Green Mtn. speakers were not setup for you by a retailer. You purchased them from us, directly. I have your invoice, emails, Paypal receipt and shipping documents.

They are Chroma speakers, with the time-domain improvements in the crossover circuits compared to original Rio.

Upon delivery and for years afterwards, you had the speakers in a very poor room, quite acoustically inferior in every way. I have your cell phone video showing this and your emails describing it. And you have my helpful response suggesting the best and least-expensive ways in which to fix its acoustic problems and what (and WHY) you would hear along the way.

Six months or more later, after I had not heard from you for quite a while, you took these speakers apart and removed their fiberglass linings. I have your email describing this. In it, you also remark how you cracked at least one marble cabinet by not putting a screw back into its correct hole.

You removed the tweeters, laid the cabinets on their sides, and set the tweeters on the 'new' cabinet tops. I have your email.

You removed the crossover circuits and modified them to second-order circuits, which negates any time-coherence. I have your email.

More than a year after your purchase, after I informed you that these modifications voided your warranty, you lied to American Express by telling them you had been promised a refund. I provided proof to them that this was false and they denied your request for refund. I have the emails on this.

Another year passes without contact, and you lie to AMEX again. This time, their agent did not contact us or Paypal, so AMEX leveraged Paypal to give you a partial refund of US$1200, which you accepted. Paypal removed these funds from our account with no notice. I have the emails to Paypal showing them how you were not promised a refund, and that you had already owned these speakers for YEARS, and that you had modified them. They agreed with me, then told me their contract was with AMEX, not us, so they had to do what AMEX told them. We had to take this financial loss and so I decided we could no longer accept Paypal from any customer, thanks to you.

After receiving this false refund, YOU KEPT THESE SPEAKERS.

Two years later, with no provocation, you began new threads on Audiogon attacking me. Audiogon removed them at my request, after many others posted their responses that something was 'not right' with you, as you would not answer their questions and instead began insulting them. These folks did not even own Green Mtn!

I would add that you know nothing of speaker design, literally nothing. I have your long emails showing how you never did understand any of the math even after I carefully and simply explained different topics about which you asked for more detail.

Now Kenji, if you follow previous form, I expect you to address nothing of the above, but instead change the subject and invent a new attack. Instead, please just fade away from your tiny vendetta. Perhaps look for something else to occupy your time?

Otherwise, I wish you a happy and healthy life!

Roy Johnson
Green Mountain Audio
Thanks very much. I realize I should not rise to this abuse, but there are technical assertions made that would be good for folks to know more about. So here goes, for one last time--

I answered Kenji’s first question above years ago, about a small, undamped room’s problems. It is certainly a fair question with a technically-correct answer. After learning about his room, I gave the normal advice on wall treatments here and there, etc-- the advice we always read about. I also sent him a difficult test CD I burned. He then emailed that he appreciated now the time-coherence and that this test disc sounded just fine. He said he was happy. The song list for that test disc is available to anyone. The songs on it are literally torn apart by non-coherent speakers, making women leave the room.

For benefit of the others, the answer to his first question is:
"Your small 10x10x10 foot painted-cinder-block room makes every wall reflection reach you very soon and very loud at all frequencies. This is a very unusual situation for such a learned audiophile as yourself.

"When a time-coherent speaker’s sound reflects from very-close-by, acoustically-untreated hard surfaces, these reflections are then clearly audible as distinct reflections, especially in the voice range and low treble, because that is how we hear (Haas effect). In the bass, such strong and early reflections produce the standing waves that all audio books predict, made louder and more numerous by this small sealed room’s rigidity and therefore its lack of damping in the bass. Numerous means that the speakers can then sound warm in this room.

"When a non-time coherent speaker’s sound reflects from very-close-by, acoustically-untreated hard surfaces, these reflections are then less audible as distinct reflections, since they are scrambled in time, therefore sounding more diffuse in the voice range and low treble, precisely the region in which those speakers have the most time-smear."

These statements are facts.

I have no time to answer his second question of how I may improve my speakers, and this is not the place. Just follow my website. There, anyone will find that I always presented far more details of my technology, and WHY I use it, and provide far more specs than any other speaker manufacturer.

Regarding that review: Anyone should read it through to see how Kenji is mis-characterizing what the UK’s most experienced reviewer/editor, active since the 1970’s, wrote. And then find out he also awarded this model Product of the Year status six months later.

On my subsequent speaker models, including Kenji’s, I finally figured out how to fix a mechanical time-delay issue present in all speakers, a problem no one has ever solved. This is clearly explained on our website, in the technical papers on Rio II and Chroma, and for Eos HX.

Before this last correction of mine, our speakers could sound forward, because their low-tone range was still lagging behind just a bit, albeit less so than what other time-coherent speaker manufacturers thought to be audible. It is our lack of cabinet reflections, lack of cone breakups, and our very simple crossover circuits made of the best-sounding parts we’ve ever heard that make this last time-delay issue audible. The reviewer noted in detail how the speakers made a couple of recordings sound forward, yet NOT OTHER RECORDINGS for which he expected to have also sounded quite forward. Again, all fixed in Kenji’s speakers.

How much longer can he keep changing the subject? I know-- endlessly.

Perhaps Audiogon should ban him. If he keeps up this nonsense, others thoughts on that would be welcome. I don’t know what I can do to fix this situation.

Best regards,

Exactly as I predicted, you have denied nothing of what I wrote, including that I still posses proof of your theft.

Anyone can file a BBB complaint. They do not judge the veracity of any complaint. Their small local branch did not notify us until the period to challenge had passed. The date of your complaint is long after you obtained your illegal refund, a complaint in which you lied about receiving your refund.

Yes Kenji, you do intend us harm. I have your email threatening exactly this sort of behaviour from nearly four years ago.

There is nothing more I can or need to say about this subject. My only defense is to encourage Audiogon management to let this thread remain open so that, in the future, others see how you have behaved.

Right whipsaw, but his room was so 'live', exactly as a tiled bathroom sounds, that this overwhelmed any choice of gear, any chance at synergy. Your own room is not an echo chamber, I presume.

Best regards,
Not even close to the right tweeter, Kenji.

You have no credentials in speaker design to present, nor any technical education, as you told me. Yet, anyone should believe you know what is wrong with the speakers because you can sound technical. On the other hand, my reputation and that of my company are both well established, worldwide, for twenty-five years. We have thousands of Owners. So we are not small, as you would believe.

A big thank you to everyone else who has posted! Funny how in forty years of my career, this fellow is the only one bitching that I ripped him off, treated him badly, don’t know at all what I am doing, and so on.

Really? You are not that special, Kenji.

Anyone is free to contact me privately to read the two vicious emails I just received from this fellow. Wow.

"A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees."
                                                              --William Blake