I auditioned 3 players about 5 months ago,AudioResearch CD-7,
Arcam's top player(forget the #) and bryston BCD-1.
They were all connected to a Audio research pre.
I had about 2-3 hrs. with them and my own music.
To MY ears(and I really wanted the CD-7)out of all I preferred the BCD-1,she always seemed to be closer to how the
instruments sound naturally.I had to trust my ears and I think we all hear differently.I did use the dacs from the BCD-1(analog outs)avoiding the dacs in the AR pre.
Hopefully you can audition different cdp at home or at least
with your own music and trust YOUR EARS.Hope that helps.
Arcam's top player(forget the #) and bryston BCD-1.
They were all connected to a Audio research pre.
I had about 2-3 hrs. with them and my own music.
To MY ears(and I really wanted the CD-7)out of all I preferred the BCD-1,she always seemed to be closer to how the
instruments sound naturally.I had to trust my ears and I think we all hear differently.I did use the dacs from the BCD-1(analog outs)avoiding the dacs in the AR pre.
Hopefully you can audition different cdp at home or at least
with your own music and trust YOUR EARS.Hope that helps.