Warmer CD sound sought - MCD 301 or 500 or REF CD7

As much as I have enjoyed my Levinson 390S for many years now, I am finding that I prefer a warmer sound. I am considering McIntosh's MCD 301 & MCD 500, and the ARC REF CD7. I realize these 3 players purchased new are quite different from each other in price. What I am looking for is input from any who have compared two or more of these, and for those who have, what differences did you discern? And since the subject players cover a large price range, I would also be happy to learn about other recommendations, especially toward the lower end of the $3000 to $9000 price range.

I listen to vocals, jazz, solo instrumental, classical, some rock, and a little blues. The rest of my primary system is Levinson gear driving Sonus Faber Auditor M's with a REL B-2.

Thanks in advance for any guidance/suggestions anyone can share!


Showing 1 response by drummermitchell

I auditioned 3 players about 5 months ago,AudioResearch CD-7,
Arcam's top player(forget the #) and bryston BCD-1.
They were all connected to a Audio research pre.
I had about 2-3 hrs. with them and my own music.
To MY ears(and I really wanted the CD-7)out of all I preferred the BCD-1,she always seemed to be closer to how the
instruments sound naturally.I had to trust my ears and I think we all hear differently.I did use the dacs from the BCD-1(analog outs)avoiding the dacs in the AR pre.
Hopefully you can audition different cdp at home or at least
with your own music and trust YOUR EARS.Hope that helps.