Warm and pleasing CDP - can be biased, colored

I'm looking for a CDP that has warm and pleasing sound.
Everything else can be sacrificed - no dynamics, fine, lack of clarity, fine, even distortion/bias/coloring is welcomed as long as the CDP sounds warm and pleasing.

My primary CDP is good but too unforgiving for poorly recorded CDs. I'd like to get a 2nd CDP that is sort of like a turntable. Looking for inexpensive one.

Showing 1 response by timrhu

I had to check Talon4"s system to understand how he could say a $1,400 used cd player is inexpensive. It's all relative I guess.
For a truly inexpensive cdp, I suggest the NAD C-541i ($225 used). Very smooth sound with the bonus of HDCD. I've owned cdps in the price range of Talon4's suggestion but keep going back to the NAD. It's hard to beat for the money.