Wanting to uppgrade old NAD preamp/amp

There's so much out there! Any response would be useful, my goal is to up grade my old NAD pre-amp/ 2155 amp setup with a entry level price integtated or pre/amp set-up. Does any one have any personal feedback on mfg's to look at ( under $1000 cdn ). I have B&W speakers and Cambridge Audio D500 CD player, Rega 3 table/Linn K3, but need new power!
You're in Canada, so save a bit more than $1K and go for some used Bryston equipment. Even the 1980s preamps (.5B, 11B, 12B)and their 60 wpc power amp (2B-LP) will blow Nad away, plus, of course they last forever and will never cost you a penny in service. For the best possible sound, look around for a Bryston B-60 integrated; if you can find someone in Canada who hasn't already targeted the U.S. market (where Bryston sells for about 30% more than in Canada), you might be able to get one for $1300-1500. You won't do better without spending twice or three times as much.
Even though you appear to work for the gov't, I'll try to help anyway. Just kidding. There has quite a few threads on integrateds lately, I'd suggest an Audio Refinement Complete, built under license by YBA. You'll find them used for around $700 U.S. and well worth the money spent. ATB, Jeff
If you are coming in at around $700.00US you might consider starting out with just a preamp (with phono) and continue to use the NAD power amp. You may be able to pick up a nice used tube Conrad Johnson pre with phono at that price.