Wanting to test my system's (and room) ability to recreate bells - any suggestions?

This isn't a, 'I gotta fever for more cowbell' thread. I already made the joke so you wouldn't feel inclined.
Looking for music riddled with expansive quality reverberant bells - maybe tracks with only bells or chimes (maybe any metallic percussion pieces). This might naturally lead to holiday music. That's ok, but hoping for something outside the Christmas theme. If there are folks doing covers of everything with Cellos (2Cellos), there must be some great recordings out there with all bells. Give me a 'ring' if anything comes to mind - thanks!

Showing 1 response by in_shore

2nd Mrdecibels suggestion of Tonian Labs Drums & Bells , I think one of the most realistic instrumental recordings ever made .

Chatting with Tony Minasian the most interesting thing about recordings is his equipment he uses which as he tells me is nothing out of the ordinary however what is out of the ordinary is his collection of recording microphones last check was valued at over $250,000.00 .
What makes Tony’s recordings truly remarkable and realistic sounding is Tony’s own modifications of some of these microphones.
There are a few releases that are easily found by doing a search or go to his web page Tonianlabs.com .

Finally I don’t personally know Tony Minasian nor have I ever met him in person . I occasionally use his recordings for shock value and I do recommend Tony’s recordings very enthusiastically,