wanting to take a digital step

hello, more lately I have been discovering artists on Bandcamp and elsewhere who don't put things out on vinyl. More often new things I have bought on vinyl don't always sound that great.  so with that I want to try a cheap set up of some kind to listen from my laptop connected to my system. I did have some cheap $10 interconnects that did the job, barely. just wondering what some digital vets would suggest. Any simple decent solutions for say <500 that would be ok? I have tried looking on different threads and it got confusing. Do I get a cheap CD player or some kind of better set of interconnects to listen from a laptop. I just don't know.  thank you.


Showing 1 response by john737

Node used or open box.... to get the music from your computer to the node I just copy it to a USB thumb drive or a large "backup" drive and plug it into the Bluesound (Playlists in the root directory).   You will then have easy, fast access to all your music.  Or you could set up an NAS, but that seems like a bit of work.  

However, the real beauty is access to high quality music from Tidal, Qobuz and Amazon (also others like Paradise Radio).