Wanting recommendations for subwoofers

1) What is a good, revealing,musical, non boomy sub to mate with Pro ac 1ses? (NOT!!! rear ported!!!) 2) Want recommendation for inexpensive "small in size" active sub for satellites(used for computer with paradigm micro's)
Matching a sub to the 1sc is going to be a tough project. I have owned a pair of 1sc's for several months now, and I just can't imagine a sub that could possibly keep up with them. With the home theater craze, most companies have made their subs boomier and fatter sounding than they ever used to. Personally, I think the 1sc's have plenty of bass for my tastes and room. What is your room like? Perhaps you should think about milking more bass out of the ProAcs, rather than spending money on adding an octave of sloppy sound to these wonderful speakers.
<< 1) What is a good, revealing,musical, non boomy sub to mate with Pro ac 1ses? (NOT!!! rear ported!!!) 2) Want recommendation for inexpensive "small in size" active sub for satellites(used for computer with paradigm micro's) >>  1) Velodyne HGS-10 ($1,599 list) 2) M&K VX-7II ($495 list)
<< 1) What is a good, revealing,musical, non boomy sub to mate with Pro ac 1ses? (NOT!!! rear ported!!!) 2) Want recommendation for inexpensive "small in size" active sub for satellites(used for computer with paradigm micro's) >> Get a Sunfire. There is nothing that comes close at the size or price. I'm not sure if anything really beats it at any price. If you don't have a loca; dealer contact kcaudio@fastlane.net
<< 1) What is a good, revealing,musical, non boomy sub to mate with Pro ac 1ses? (NOT!!! rear ported!!!) 2) Want recommendation for inexpensive "small in size" active sub for satellites(used for computer with paradigm micro's) >> REL Strata 2 is an excellent high end powered sub,very musical, takes on the amp's signature, blends excellently with satellites. You can connect it directly to your speaker outputs on the amp avoiding the external Xover syndrome.