Want to upgrade my speakers ... input please ...

I want to upgrade speakers from my dahlquist 20's to either the Thiel 3.6 or the Alon / nola II plus or possibly to the Vandersteen 3a's my question : Looking for input on the best direction to head off into on my quest to upgrade speakers .... I havn't heard the above mentioned speakers, just going off feedback and reviews .. any input is appreciated .. Thanks in advance !

Mcintosh 2500 for power.

Warmest regards,
Ron Larsen ..
Hi Ron,
I've auditioned the Nola Viper II+ and the IIA with both tube and solid state gear, and with various types of music. The Vipers sounded spectacular with everything I threw at them. They're very accurate and organic sounding. A friend and I have auditioned many a speaker (Usher, Wilson, B&W, Revel, Raidho, Triangle, Vandys, Canton, Meadowlark) over the past 6 months, and the Nolas simply best every one of them. I ended buying a pair of II+ off A'gon.

I don't mean this as a knock on the other speakers, (I could happily live with any of the speakers you mentioned), but the Nolas are truly special.

Hi guys,
I wanted to "thank" everyone for responding and helping me out ... I have a soft spot for the nola vipers but I bought a pristine set of Vandersteen 3a sig's today. Can't hook them up yet ( proper ) till I get a set of biwire speaker cables ... ( sigh ) Anyway .. much thanks for the input!

Warmest regards,
Ron Larsen ..