Want to change from my Yamaha CX-A5000

I Own aA Yamaha CX-A5000 and would lke to switch to a pre/pro with a better user interface. There just isn't the ease of flexibility I got used to with my old RX-V3800.
Sonically, the unit is fine (if not anything to write home about), Price range for this is $750-$1200.
I think the problem is that you already have one of the best HT processors in your current price range.  I prefer the CX-A5100/5200 to any of the offerings from Denon, Marantz, and Emotiva. And you won't be able to find any modern offerings from Rotel or Arcam in that price range either. 

What limitations are you finding with the CX-A5000?  I find the user interface on the CX-A5200 just fine, and I chose it over much more expensive models because I preferred both the GUI and the sound quality over the competition when it comes to dedicated HT use.