Want to buy a new projector.

Time to replace my Runco 710Lt.
It's 720p projector and has a color wheel.
I'm Thinking about the following so far.
1.Runco LightStyle LS5.
2.Runco LightStyle LS7.
I like Runco. I had issues with my 710 and they stood behind thier product until I was satisfied, including a replacement unit 6 months later. I want to go 1080P.

The LS5 is 1080P and uses a color wheel and is in my price range.

The LS7 is 720P has 3 chips. I was told that 3 chip 720 is better than 1080P with a color wheel because the optics are better. The cost is over my budget but can be done.

Then there is the JVC. I know nothing about other than it is 1080P 3 chip and is in my price range.

Any help or suggestions?

Showing 1 response by bighead63

Agree with doing the JVC. After viewing Runco they are great but IMO a lot of the same viewing experience can be found in JVC's and other units at a lower cost than most Runco's.

JVC is a great projector and if you don't mind doing used, there are always the top of the line from last year that are steller performers for the money. The newest thing on the new models is 3D which personally I never cared for but to each their own.

Also look at Sim if you like high end DLP offerings. The Runco's you are looking at with the color wheels are DLP's and can be a different feel compared to the Panny model.

I've owned a few Epsons and enjoyed them but prefer the look of the JVC as I think its more natural and also gives me a feel of being the most theater-like image possible.

Also regardless of what you get, get it calibrated for the best. JVC's can look good out of the box but can always be improved upon.