Want to add 2 more speakers to stereo amp- CXA80

I have a Cambridge CXA80 amp that drives my two Dynaudio DM 3/7 towers. Amp and speakers are both 4 ohm 120W per channel.
(the amp can play 8 ohms too)
 amp specs below:

I’m thinking of adding 2 ceiling speakers to the kitchen that is right next to the living room that I listen to the towers in. The ceiling speakers are Dyn, but they are listed at 8/5 ohm....

Will this set up compared to the 4 ohm connection with the tower speakers get squirly? I may want to just listen to the new ceiling speakers without the towers, but sometimes may want all 4 playing...
Can any of you describe what will happen SQ wise with the ceiling speakers with higher ohms, as well as ohm wise when listening to just the 2 new ceiling speakers, vs all 4? ( and will this set up decrease the SQ on the towers when just the towers are playing?

Yogiboy... correction on my last note... so I can only play 1 room at a time? ( not 2 room at time)
You will have no problem if you play one room at a time. If you want to play both rooms at the same time you will have a problem.
The reason I showed you that Dayton amp is because it has a volume control so you can match the volume on both sets of speakers when you want to play both at the same time.
You can use any power amp but you should find one with a volume control!
Yogiboy, I’ve been thinking about the options you offered all week and have some more questions sir. :) So I’m an entry level Hifi guy, but I probably hang on to the details a little tighter than your typical entry level guy...  I’m intrigued by the additional amp with volume control that you suggested but wondered if this is just a minimal SQ degradation or a larger one.... I have always said that you have to have a really trained ear to hear the difference of A 1-2k amp from a 5k amp.... but your buddy who spends little time with hifi... could tell the difference between a $200 Best Buy amp and an entry level stereo amp at the 1-2k range... with that being said is the $150 additional amp to power the new Dyn audio ceiling speakers going to be blending junking SQ with strong entry level SQ? My Cambridge CXA80 has dual mono config with minimal crosstalk and is really well built in my opinion.

So questions for you:
1) Is the reason why I would need an additional amp with volume, because of 5-8ohm mis match to my 8/4 ohm amp? And would the two room option work if I found different ceiling speakers for the kitchen, that matched up more properly with ohms?

2) If I need the additional amp( different ohm combo will not cure my problem), to power 2 rooms at the same time, and the sound quality will be blending low cost SQ with above avg entry level hifi SQ.... would I be better off getting some cheapo ceiling speakers from a bestbuy( or where ever)? Maybe dropping $500 per ceiling speaker on Dyns with $150 additional power amp,would be like putting Pirreli tires on a 20 year old Honda Accord?

3) Is there an ohm option with a higher grade  stereo amp than my CXA80 that would allow for strong SQ for both rooms in The 1-2k range?( Is there a multi room buz word I should search for while staying in the stereo amp category)?

Thanks for entertaining my headache of questions!
Could someone out there in HIfi land please look at my latest question below and let me know your thoughts? There no way my questions about adding 2 additional speakers to a sr
tere amp that has A,Band AB functions, stumped a whole community of hifi enthusiasts! :)

 Thanks for anyone who take a look  at my dilemma.

Yogiboy, I’ve been thinking about the options you offered all week and have some more questions sir. :)   I’m intrigued by the additional amp with volume control that you suggested but wondered if this is just a minimal SQ degradation or a larger one.... I have always said that you have to have a really trained ear to hear the difference between a 1-2k amp from a $5k amp.... but a  buddy  of any of us who spends little time with hifi... could tell the difference between a $200 Best Buy amp and an entry level stereo amp at the 1-$2k range... with that being said is the $150 range additional amp to power the new Dyn audio ceiling speakers going to be blending junking SQ with strong entry level SQ? My Cambridge CXA80 has dual mono config with minimal crosstalk and is really well built in my opinion.

So questions for you:
1) Is the reason why I would need an additional amp with volume, because of 5-8ohm mis match to my 8/4 ohm amp? And would the two room option work if I found different ceiling speakers for the kitchen, that matched up more properly with ohms?

2) If I need the additional amp( different ohm combo will not cure my problem), to power 2 rooms at the same time, and the sound quality will be blending low cost SQ with above avg entry level hifi SQ.... would I be better off getting some cheapo ceiling speakers from a bestbuy( or where ever)? Maybe dropping $500 per ceiling speaker on Dyns with $150 additional power amp,would be like putting Pirreli tires on a 20 year old Honda Accord?

3) Is there an ohm option with a higher grade  stereo amp than my CXA80 that would allow for strong SQ for both rooms in The 1-2k range?( Is there a multi room buz word I should search for while staying in the stereo amp category)?

Thanks for entertaining my headache of questions!