
Are they all the same? I moved things around and now don't know which "wart" belongs to which component. Please advise. Thanx.

Showing 2 responses by minkwelder

Wall warts are not all the same. They are marked with the DC voltage and maximum current output. Some of them have different sized plugs and even reversed polarity. The components they belong to should be marked to indicate the voltage and polarity. If not, check the manual. Good luck sorting it out!
That's funny, Branislav! I initially thought Linisfarne's post said Walmart. The term "wall wart" is a slang term for a type of power supply that transforms AC power from an outlet into DC power. The transformer and other circuitry is contained in a box with the male connectors sticking out of it so the box sits directly on the outlet, so it's hanging on the wall.....uh....like a wart.
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