Wally Wally Wally

Anyone else get the latest Wally tools? Likes or dislikes? Not asking for opinion on purchase of said items, only your experiences; both, good and bad.

I just went wild Wally Tool crazy and ordered everything. Long story short, I will be accumulating at least two more turntables in the next 6 months, and wanted to have another set of eyes to spot check my current methods of installing and measuring cartridges performance; ears, SME protractor, test records, Fozgometer, Schon Schablonne (German protractor), and glass protractor by Avid. 
It’s a means to an end as I want quick, verifiable, and repeatable measurements due to the amount of tonearm and cartridges swapping that will be occurring. It’s a means to an end which supports my listening studio.

I have, like many others, used my ears and standard measurement tools over many years and it’s pretty cut and dry. I figured what the heck, why not indulge in tools that support the hobby, and can be used to help others while also giving me some peace of mind.


Showing 1 response by best-groove