Wall Mounting Hardware for Acoustic Panels

Does anyone have suggestions for suspending absorptive panels from the wall, and also from a slanted ceiling? I am constructing my own panels from Owens Corning 703 (rigid fiberglass) set within wooden frames and covered with cotton cloth. I need to find some good hardware to mount them on the wall. I've heard some mention of velcro, but don't fully trust it unless I were to hot blue the receiving side onto strips of wood and screw the wood into the wall. Has anyone hung panels to recommend some hardware alternatives?

Thanks, Peter S.

Showing 1 response by audiotomb


on my wall hung Echo Busters I went to Home Depot and bought a long hollowed out two inch thick wood curtain dowel. I then cut these in 2 inch pieces and fastened them to the panels. THis help both the back and front of the panel absorb and difusse the reflected sound and really help lower some slap echo. As for hanging them I just used the hanger on the back and screwed a bolt into the wall for each. The clips mentioned above might work on the end of these dowels. Enjoy your project and happy listening
