Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI

Hello all,
From a thread over on the Asylum, I noted Walker has introduced an Arm Wand for VPI RCMs.
After reading it's description at Elusive Disc, I can't help but think that this Delrin Wand, with no protective strips, coming in contact with the vinyl, no matter how one adjusts the Wand Tower, will be "kind" to the vinyl?

The other item included with the Wand, is two little O-rings, placed on Spindle, said to keep the record from touching the Mat. Wouldn't a rubber washer serve the same purpose?

Perhaps too new to hear other's opinions? I like the idea of never needing to worry about velvet strips going bad, less chance of cross-contamination, etc, but just cannot seem to get past the idea of the Delrin contacting Vinyl? Mark

Showing 2 responses by elinor

Seriously folks, think about the cost issue for a moment. $25.00 for the VPI wand which has to be replaced at least once a year if you are cleaning records regularly. $80.00 for the Walker wand which will probably never have to be replaced. And you really think the Walker is expensive?
You've got that right Doug! My feelings exactly .Good meeting you at the reception!