Walker Audio- High Definition Links- anyone

HAS anyone tried this product.Is there any sonic Value in using LINKS. DO you like them and why.If you don`t like them
why. Thank You
Here is a link to a very thorough DIY project where you can build them for yourself. The guy really took time w/photos and sources for parts. It's a 36 page .pdf so it takes a while to load. It's on Alan Mahers site. Check it out!


I bought a set of the series 2 links and tried them on avalon arcus speakers. Did not work well. Sounded as if someone threw a blanket over them. Still have them if anyone wants to buy them.
Well, I was way off. I don't really know how close Alan's recipe is to the Wlaker's. Anyway, with the cap values in Alan's circuit the filtering is way up in the RF range.
Clarification: Alan just posted it or donated the webspace if you will. The authors name is somewhere on the .pdf