How bout wayyyyy under 2500? At the risk of being unpopular (I got lots of practice in high school), dissatisfaction with dynamics and pace as compared with my ’pre-streamer’ days leading to less musical engagement, lead me to replace my SOTM SMS-200 neo using Sbooster 12v lpsu once again with the 2011 Mac mini I had used prior to buying it. The musical engagement and dynamics quickly returned to their pre-Covid (and pre-streamer levels:) So too did my interest in listening again. It should be noted I use Audirvana exclusively (with Tidal and Quobuz) as it had always sounded better to me than Roon (past iterations anyway-- that in itself is probably a can o’ worms) so that may be a factor. There are all kinds of things on-line about how high processing power (like in a dedicated computer CPU in a relatively quiet Mac mini) may make things ’easier’/lower the workload and thus lead to less noise transmission etc with certain protocols or how the improvement comes from the fact that I’m eliminating an additional renderer separate from the computer source), but i’m sure none of this is measurable and of course, there are just as many opinions to the contrary:) Fortunately I am clueless technically, so I go by ears not measurements. I love gear though, and I soooo wanted to enjoy my system more with the much lauded Sotm/Sbooster combo and maybe upgrade to a SOTM Ultra etc. when that one came out etc, but after a year streaming and trying hard to love more what I was hearing because Hans B. and the internet-at-large said I should, on a whim I put back my Mac mini and am now much happier. I would still love to try an Auralic or a Lumin or a Roon Nucleus ala Steve Huff, but for the time being, the convenience, musicality, minimal noise and versatility (HBOnow!) of the Mac mini win the day. No dropouts ever either. I have no clue why my Mac mini should be more involving musically (maybe I just lucked into a ’special’ Mac mini? HA!)-- but it does bear saying in a thread such as this that it has been, just in case someone fears leaning in that direction. Have courage lad! I’m with you.
Waht is the best streamer for the money under $2500 (no DAC or storage required).
I've got my sights on a Simiaudio Moon 2, auralic aries G1 and a Lumin. Trying to stay below $2500 used or new. I've heard great things about all, but the dealer who sells dozesn of highend gear is pusing hard towards the Moon 2. I'm pairing the streamer with McIntosh MHA 100 headpone AMP. Anyone have suggestions on these three or a comparable 4th or 5th option to consider? Thanks.