
I read a few articles about Richard Wagner recently and became interested in hearing an opera or two. Specifically, Tristan und Isolde and Parsifal. There seems to be so many recordings of each that it's difficult to make a selection. Any suggestions?

PS: While I have listened to a lot of classical music over the years my Wagner experience is an Elmer Fuddish: Kill da wabbit!, kill da wabbit!
Actually, I saw The Flying Dutchman performed but that's it.

PSS: Funny how most of us gained our first exposure to classical music through cartoons. 8^)

Showing 1 response by learsfool

Solti is one of the best Wagner conductors, and the recordings also sound great. Another great Tristan is Kleiber's. Knappertsbusch has a good Parsifal as well.