Wadia Upgrade Question

I have heard nothing but great things about Great Northern Sound.. I am currently considering having Steve upgrade a Wadia 830... I would like to hear opinions from people who have had Wadia mods done by GNS.. What were the sonic improvements from the mods and was it worth the cost?

Showing 2 responses by tclipse

Thanks for your response Avnut... Has anyone compared a modded Wadia against an Electrocompaniet or a Cary? Seems like it would be an interesting comparison...
Thanks for everyone's imput and opinions.. I will look into discussing further with GNS.. Anybody have info on Wadia being able to upgrade the DAC's in 830 to the same Burr Brown 1704 chips that the new Wadia 301 has? I wonder if upgraded DAC's along with Steve's mods would make the 830 even better still? Would the GNS mods void the Wadia factory warranty?