Wadia? Should You Go Direct In Or Preout

Interested in getting a Wadia 860x cd player. I have a Conrad-Johnson MF2500, brand new 240 watt solid state amp. Was wondering if ditching my Premier 14 tube preamp is a good idea to go to this unit? or keep the premier 14 and get a cheaper cd player? what to do?

Showing 1 response by pinkus

I have a Wadia 27 and I have it connected thru a CJ Premier 14 preamp. When I first removed the preamp, I was pleased with the better transient and dynamic response, but over time I missed the rich harmonics of the CJ Premier 14 preamp. With the CJ Premier 14 in the loop, I am a happy camper. BTW, without the CJ in the loop, I could not listen to the direct setup for long without experiencing fatigue.