Wadia Owner - with or without preamp

I was wondering what do most of you guys run w/ your 861se or the 270se/27ix dac? Straight to your amp/amps or to a preamp. Thanks

Showing 3 responses by rja

I run the 27 direct also. However, if I had the choice I'd prefer an analog output stage with volume control. As has been mentioned, I don't like the idea of losing resolution when adjusting volume either.
One thing thing that woukd be nice on the 27 would be a small access panel for the dip switches. It's a hassle taking the top cover off for the adjustments. I think Wadia considered this adjustment to a dealer function. At least they didn't give out the dip switch position output voltages with the owner directions. Wadia: If you're reading this, how about an access panel on the top plate of the 27? Wishful thinking?