Wadia direct into amp, Sound a bit too lean??

Hello everyone:
I need a little help here. I'm using my Wadia 861se direct into my Rowland 302 amp, but the sound is a bit too lean for my taste. I'd like to make the sound of my system to be fuller by changing the ICs. Any comment will be helpful. The rest of my system are: Avalon Eidolon, Acoustic zen silver reference II ICs, Hologram II speaker cables, MIT oracle AC2 for wadia.


Showing 1 response by egay

Hi, your system certainly seems challenging.
i think it has a lot to do with matching (a very difficult task, i believe). i have my Wadia 6 (ser no. 003) directly drive a couple of Forte amplifiers (bi-amped) from 1988-98 via balanced ICs and to my recollection, it is one of the best setups i ever had. i only introduced a pre-amp (Musical Fidelity X-P100) when i decided to go back to analogue.

Jerry, the W 6&9 combo is still, to my taste, the best digital front-end there is (even with the newer products around)... problem is, direct-driving amplifiers with a Wadia is not for everyone; it certainly is a trial method judged by your ears and musical taste.

i would not introduce any 'foreign matter' in-between my Wadia and my amp, certainly not ANY pre-amp... but you have to decide which is the 'weak link'... for me, i'd test the combo with AMPS!!... cables are nothing, just excuses for audiophiles to spend.

if you are building your system around the W 7&9, then test them with other amps; somebody mentioned a boulder, which could also be your ticket... i would be very cautious in using the combo to drive tube amps... i suppose i'm just chicken :-)

enjoy the hunt!