Wadia 861 or keep Electrocompaniet mk2

Since I only listen to my CDP I am thinking about a Wadia 861 Basic to replace my Electrocompaniet and bypass my BAT VK50se preamp. My system also includes a Cary V12I and a pair of Verity Audio Fidelio's. Anyone have any experience or opinions about this? I have heard pros and cons to going direct. Thanks in advance for any and all imput.


Showing 1 response by stefh42

...within the limits explained in the manual.

If you keep the volume control in the range where it has full resolution (approx. 65-100), it is really the best solution. It adds _no_ distortion, unlike an analog pot. which add a bit at all volumes.

So if you can live with only a quite narrow window of volume-adjustment, Wadia's implementation of volume control is superior. If you need to be able to play both very loud and close to silence, then it wont work for you.

For me it works. Critical listening is done from 70 and up, and when played at lower volumes, it's just for background music where I dont care about the reduction in resolution.