Wadia 861 as a DAC

Just received my 861 back from George Meyer to get the transport mechanism replaced. 

I’m now looking to stream music and wondering if the 861’s DAC, being >15 years old would be good enough for this task.


Thanks in advance.


If you want to get a bit more recent DAC and like the Wadia gear keep an eye out for used Di 321 DAC. you can pick those up for ~$1K and they sound great. If you want DSD you have to jump up to the 322 and additional coin. or the Di 122 without the volume control implementation.




Thank you!

Appreciate the recommendation and will look into the Wadia DI series.

I am introducing Meridian Sooloos Control 15 into my system which includes LavardinT amp and B & W 802 Diamond speakers. I love the sound from the Wadia 861 currently in the system, but it does not have digital input facility.

